Dental Health News Blog Illinois | Renovo Endodontic Studio


ZOMBIE TOOTH: Ok we haven’t posted for a little while, but we wanted to make sure that it would be something interesting for our audience to look at. We affectionately call this one the “zombie tooth”. Why? Not only does this tooth exhibit a developmental anomaly affecting the anatomy of the tooth, but it is half dead and half alive! Half of this tooth got infected while the other tooth remained vital and normal. Question for our dental friends…did we do the right thing by treating ONLY the infected half of the tooth, or should be have treated the entire […]

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Dental Trauma

Dental Dental trauma: Here is an unfortunate case of facial trauma with nerve exposure. Because the tooth was slightly underdeveloped, we made the decision to preserve healthy pulp tissue to encouraged continued development and root wall thickening. This will ultimately result in a better long term prognosis. The restorative aspect of treatment was done quite well here as well! […]

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Dental Anatomy and Root Canals
Dental Anatomy and Root Canals