Accessory canals causing atypical lesions... | Renovo Endodontic Studio

Accessory canals causing atypical lesions...

atypical lesion

Accessory canals causing atypical lesion location: This is a case that was referred to our office for endodontic evaluation and treatment of a buccal sinus tract. The patient reported that he was not in any pain but had a “pimple” in the gums next to the tooth on the lip side. The sinsus tract was traced and was directed to the coronal root lesion on the mesial aspect of the canine tooth (#11). There was no evidence of periapical pathology. After endodontic treatment was rendered, we were able to to demonstrate a sealer trace out of an infected accessory canal and into the lesion (see red arrows). Over time we expect this patient’s body to resorb the extruded sealer which is biocompatible and the pimple to resolve with complete bony healing…pretty cool..

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