PDL Archives | Renovo Endodontic Studio
Why Does My Endodontist Do Extractions?


WHY DOES MY ENDODONTIST DO EXTRACTIONS? There are several clear benefits of working with endodontists who are comfortable with extractions: (1) If a tooth is found to be non-restorable during treatment due to a severe crack or fracture, we can immediately remove the tooth while they are already numb without having to send the patient to another dentist who may not be able to see them for severaldays (2) It allows us to be somewhat ‘unbiased’ with regards to recommending either RCT or EXT treatment options. However, comfort with extractions also allows us to increase our surgical repertoire to provide […]

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Trauma and CBCT


TRAUMA AND CBCT: Yet another trauma case where CBCT evaluation was an integral part of diagnosis and treatment planning. This patient presented to our office two days after taking an elbow to the mouth during a volleyball match. The patient stated immediately following the incident, he noted bleeding of the gingival sulcus and pain tooth #8. He denied tooth movement or malpositioning. Tooth #8 had a full coverage crown, was tender to percussion and palpation, Class III mobility, no response to cold, no isolated deep probing depths, and widened PDL space in the apical third. Teeth #6, 7, 9, 10, and […]

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