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Everyday Superheros: Saving Your Natural Tooth
Every dentist will tell you they want to help you save your teeth for a lifetime—and while general dentists do the vital...
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When Summer Fun Turns to Dental Trauma
When Summer Fun Turns to Trauma: How We Can Help Ease Your Pain
Summer is just around the corner! While that means more outdoor fun with friends and family, it can also mean an increased...
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4 Things You Need to Know About 3D Imaging Technology
3D Imaging
Dental x-rays have been a regular part of dental examinations for over 125 years. X-rays are an essential tool for the Ren...
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Using a Rubber Dam: Why Is it Important?
Using a Rubber Dam: Why Is it Important?
The dental dam, also called a rubber dam, was first used in dentistry more than ...
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The Importance of Getting a Crown After a Root Canal
The Importance of Getting a Crown After a Root Canal
If you have damage or decay in one or more teeth, your dentist may have suggested that you undergo r...
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Why Save Your Own Tooth Instead of Getting an Implant?
Why Save Your Own Tooth Instead of Getting an Implant?
Tooth loss can be frightening. The loss of a tooth—or teeth—can not only change your facial appe...
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What Your Renovo Endodontist Wants to Share About Vertical Root Fractures
Vertical Root Fracture
Endodontic topics aren’t typically on a patient’s “need to know” list unless they’re in pain.We understa...
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Can Dental Insurance Help Root Canal Treatment Costs?
Can Dental Insurance Help with the Cost of Root Canal Treatment?
It does not take long for medical bills to add up.Because of this, many patients rely heavily on their insurance c...
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Top 5 Things to Know About a Front Tooth Root Canal
Top 4 things to know about a front tooth root canal
When people think about a root canal, they often imagine treatment on a back tooth. Did you know that people often need th...
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